After a competitive and robust search process, we are thrilled to announce that we have formed the amazing team that is going to be working with Rabbi David and guiding us musically and spiritually through the High Holidays this year. 

We are thrilled to announce that Cantor Scott Simon will be joining CBS as our cantor for the High Holy Days this year.  He has been serving the Jewish community of the Northwest Suburbs with love and distinction for over twenty-five years as a full time Cantor: leading a wide variety of weekly Sabbath services, directing choirs and ensembles, concertizing, serving pastorally and teaching Torah, Jewish prayer and music to children and adults. He has also held pulpits in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Cantor Simon received his undergraduate degree in Applied Vocal Technique from DePaul University School of Music and his Master’s and Cantorial ordination from the Hebrew Union College School of Sacred Music in New York City. Most recently he received his Honorary Doctorate in 2019 from Hebrew Union College marking 25 years of devotion and service to the Jewish people.  

Cantor Simon has a deep love of Israel where he lived and studied at both the Jewish Theological Seminary and HUC Jerusalem Campuses.  While in Jerusalem he also studied Chazzanut with the renowned Cantor, Naphtali Hershtik and sang in the Great Synagogue Choir. The ability to blend his traditional and Reform background has been a hallmark of his pulpit life and influenced his decades of song writing which celebrates Jewish identity, Shabbat, and spiritual connection. His wit and humor are evident in the many, many Purim Spiels he has written and in the hilarious children’s videos he creates for his alter ego SHMULI. Cantor Simon is honored to be joining CBS as it’s High Holy Day cantor and looks forward to sharing and praying with us soon.

Dr. Lisa Fredenburgh directed the CBS Choir in 2022 and is returning as Choir Director this year. Dr. Fredenburgh has been Director of Choral Activities at Aurora University since 2010 where she conducts choirs and teaches courses in conducting, diction, vocal pedagogy and world music. She is the founding director of Fox Valley Orchestra Chorus and the professional choir, Fox Chamber Singers. She holds a D.M.A. and two M.M. degrees from the University of Arizona.

Dr. Fredenburgh often serves as guest conductor and clinician locally, nationally, and abroad. She has conducted and taught masterclasses in the Dominican Republic and in Bolivia and conducted All-State Choirs in New York, North Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Georgia.