Our boards and committees are the backbone of Congregation Beth Shalom. We are always looking for volunteers, suggestions, and help. If you have a question or idea or would like to help out, please contact the appropriate person using our contact form.


Adult EducationIrwin Gaines
AuditRick Weiss
Avodah (Worship)Barbara Staman Wolff
BudgetApril Haskell
Building / CateringMark Goodman
CemeteryAl Barshefsky and Vicki Robinson
ChesedRobin Rubin
Chevra KadishaBarbara Staman Wolff and Tom Wolff
ChoirVP Religious Practices
Clergy EvaluationVicki Robinson
CovidChris Igo
Cultural ArtsLinda Gaines
DarshanMimi Qunell and Bridgette Biernacki
Facilities & LandscapingSue Prousa
FinanceApril Haskell
FundraisingBen Felch
Gift ShopCara DeGraff
Giving GardenPaula Fraser
In-Reach / ConnectionsJen Weiner and April Haskel
Internal CommunicationJen Weiner
Kibbutz KatanSara LaDeur and Alycia Hamilton
LandscapingMark Goodman
LibraryGerry Mendelssohn
Long Range PlanningOPEN
Membership (External)VP Membership
NominatingShelley Fagel
Oneg CommitteeRachelle Sheffer
PreschoolIra & Susan Rubin
Religious SchoolAnn Rabin and Diane Toby
Sacred SpacesAnn Rabin
SecurityChris Igo and VP Admin
TechnologyAustin Scott and Jerry Hymen
Tikkun Olam (Social Action)Rita Kramen
WebmasterAustin Scott