CBS has a program for children preparing for their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. Preparation begins about a year prior to the student’s bar or bat Mitzvah. Each student is assigned a tutor who he or she will meet with individually once a week. In addition, students are provided a robust set of learning materials including CDs containing their torah and haftara portions and all of the prayers that they must learn as they prepare to lead the service.
Aside from learning prayers, students are coached and supported in writing the d’var torah (teaching) that they will give as part of their bar or bat mitzvah.
Students are also encouraged to participate in a Tzedakah project as a way of living out the Jewish values they have learned throughout their schooling.
It is the goal of Congregation Beth Shalom to ensure that the Bar/Bat Mitzvah process is a meaningful one and that the entire family will be nourished by this sacred journey. We at Congregation Beth Shalom look forward to working with each family every step of the way. For further information about the Bar/Bat Mitzvah program, please contact the coordinator of the program, Bernie Newman.