Adult-Supervised Child Care (Ages 1-8) General Info

We are happy to announce that we are offering babysitting on the First Day of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Morning. 

Children are also welcome to join their parents in services in the Sanctuary. We have our new Pray and Play section in the Sanctuary which is an optional place for families to sit with their young children. Children can also attend Junior Congregation, and/or to participate in one of the Kibbutz Katan Programs. Parents are encouraged to sign children in and out of babysitting, as needed, to accommodate these alternate worship options

If you would like to pay with a check, please print this form and mail with payment to the synagogue office by September 20th.

Childcare Rules
•Please label all items you send with your child (diaper bags, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, lunch, etc.)
•Please let us know of any allergies or special concerns you might have about your child.
•If your child is under age 1 or needs one-on-one attention from a babysitter, we strongly encourage you to hire a private sitter in your home. We do not have enough staff to provide extended, dedicated support for any individual child.
•If your child proves to require more attention than our babysitters can provide, we will ask you to take the child home.
•Parents are financially responsible for any damage caused by their children.

Food for Children in Childcare
Each child is to bring a sack lunch and a drink. Please ensure that the lunch:
•Contains no meat products (gelatin is also not acceptable)
•Contains no nuts or nut-based products
•Does not require refrigeration
•Includes a drink
•Is clearly labeled

High Holiday Babysitting

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